The story behind MARYN

In 2020, MARYNjewelsandmore was founded by Hanne Marynissen. What started at the kitchen table quickly got out of hand. Being creative has been in me from an early age and with the motto "what you do yourself, you do better" more and more handmade items were made. The guest room was transformed into a workspace. MARYN's jewelry was sold in both the webshop and in 8 physical points of sale. After 1.5 years, it was decided to transform the garden house into a studio. The need for good, solid materials was so palpable that it was decided to do something with this as well. Gradually, fewer and fewer handmade jewelry was made and more and more DIY items were sold with which the passion for making jewelry could be passed on. Further training, lessons and courses and the first 3D printer followed one another. The first workshops were given in 2022 and the clay cutters that came out of the 3D printers were also popular. Fairs followed in Belgium and the Netherlands and with a small team MARYN really managed to put itself on the map, which made us several times in the newspapers. In the meantime we have been working for more than 4 years and we hope to inspire many people creatively through our knowledge and experience.
Hanne: "I realize very well that I could never have done this alone and I am grateful for everyone who wants to be a part of this. MARYN is my 3rd child and I am very proud of it. The name MARYN is derived from my family name "Marynissen" and I wear it with great pride. In addition to being the mother of my sons Finn and Gijs, I am now an entrepreneur, although that sometimes sounds strange to me too. Being creative is one thing, running a business and leading a team is something completely different, I know now. I gave and still give up a lot to be able to expand my passion, my business into what it is today. After many ups and downs, tears of misery and happiness, I now know for sure... this is what I want to do!"
Creativity is limitless, and so are my dreams!